Our Approach to Treating Hip Pain Symptoms
If you are experiencing hip pain, Apex Manual Therapy will identify the root cause to effectively and efficiently treat the problem. Whether you’ve had a hip replacement, been diagnosed with hip arthritis, or experience pain with exercise, we can help provide hip pain relief.
Our advanced physical therapists have obtained the highest level of orthopedic physical therapy training and are recognized as Fellows of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy (FAAOMPT). This educational achievement is beyond the doctorate level and guarantees the gold standard care for musculoskeletal conditions.
At Apex Manual Therapy each visit is spent entirely one-on-one with a fellow, to provide the very best hip pain treatment. If you are in the greater Austin area or Pflugerville, TX schedule a free consultation with our advanced therapists. We guarantee you’ll see the difference in our approach and your results.
Hip Pain Relief is Possible - Schedule a Free Consultation to Discuss Your Hip Pain Treatment Options
Hip Joint Anatomy
The hip is a ball and socket joint, like the shoulder. The femoral head is the ball and the acetabulum of the pelvis is the socket. A labrum (fibrous cartilage) lies between the two bones. The hip joint is surrounded by a capsule that provides lubrication. If the hip mechanics are in dysfunction, the structures of the joint can become strained, resulting in hip or lower back pain and injuries.
Proper Hip Mechanics
Optimal hip mechanics are achieved with the femur positioned and articulating in the center of the axis. When the hip operates off the center of axis, an unnecessary strain is placed on the structures, which can cause it to break down. Look at the ball and socket photo below. Can you see how the hip joint would wear down if the proper position is not maintained during movement?
Hip Movement Dysfunction
A common movement dysfunction found among people with hip pain is femoral anterior glide syndrome. This means the femur glides forward in the acetabulum. Patients may report hip pain, stiffness, or pinching in the front of the hip that’s exacerbated with sitting. The muscles which attach closest to the joint are responsible for maintaining the movement at the center of the axis. These muscles include gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, iliopsoas, pectineus, and intrinsic external rotators. Muscles such as the hamstrings, rectus femoris, TFL, sartorius, gracilis, and adductors span a greater area and are responsible for larger gross movements rather than fine precision of movement.
If muscles are not balanced, the joint cannot function optimally. Think about a group of people playing tug of war, the center of the rope will move to one side if both sides are not pulling equally. If our bodies become unbalanced, some structures are required to work harder to make up for those not pulling their load.
Long term movement dysfunctions can result in hip osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease. Cartilage wears down, the femur and acetabulum degenerate, and bone spurs may develop. Degenerative joint disease affects around 27 million Americans. It’s more common as we age and must be addressed with restoring optimal movement to ensure all muscles and joints are doing their job.
Hip Joint Pain Treatment
Hand and heel rocking is an exercise to teach the hips to articulate correctly, and the muscles to function properly. To do this exercise, start on your hands and knees and rock back and forth with ease. Try to rock in a range which does not cause any increase in symptoms. For some people, this may only be 1-2 inches of movement. Quality over quantity is key! As you rock, make sure to keep your spine straight, even if this decreases the range of your rock.
This exercise should not be strenuous or cause pain. If you experience any discomfort, stop, as this is a sign that you are not moving correctly.
A hip dysfunction can affect the lower back and vice versa. In order to treat the hip, the lower back must be assessed. Even after a hip replacement surgery, proper movement is vital to recovery and rehabilitation.
At Apex Manual Therapy, our advanced physical therapists will assess your body to identify the root cause of your hip pain. An individualized hip joint treatment plan will be created to effectively and efficiently meet your goals. Have questions about your hip pain?
Schedule a free consultation at www.apexmanualtherapy.com, and we guarantee you’ll see the difference in our approach.